Inline Services specializes in Product Recovery Systems for both industrial and sanitary applications. We offer two types of product recovery pigs, the VIPRS® and SUD® Pig. These pigs are available in food or chemical grade material and can be made heat and chemical resistant.

What is a Product Recovery (Pigging) System?

The most important component is the Pig, which has tight scraping/sealing rings. The Pig is propelled through piping, by water, product, or other gas or liquid and wipes the pipe walls to displace solids or liquids left in the pipe. The patented design ensures virtually no bypass and complete product removal or separation.

The Pig is stored out of the product flow, at either end of the piping run in a chamber and is propelled into and through the pipe by a liquid or gas. A Product Recovery System can form part of a new installation or be retrofitted into an existing installation. In either case the pipe run has to be suitable for the pig to pass smoothly, with no obstructions.

Inline’s MPS sensors are placed at strategic points along the piping, and on detecting the Pig can either display a visual indication, like a light, or send signal to the PLC.

What Does a Product Recovery System Do?

Residual Product Displacement
A Product Recovery or Pigging System is used after product transfer to displace and recover residual product and clean the pipe wall.

Valuable product is saved that would otherwise have been flushed to waste. CIP chemical usage and waste can be optimized.

Product Separation
Product batches in the same pipe can be separated, to reduce transfer time and amount of piping.

Why Choose Inline’s VIPRS System?

Inline’s VIPRS systems for sanitary and industrial applications are designed around the main component – the PIG.

The efficiency of the PIG is crucial.

  • Flexibility for negotiating fittings
  • Durable design / wear resistant to last
  • High efficiency Disc configuration to ensure liquid tight seal – even around bends
  • Chemical & heat resistant material available in food or chemical grade
  • Bi-directional

Have More Questions?

We can help!  Live chat, email or call us at 888.973.0079 281.401.8142 for assistance with your current or upcoming project.

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