Inline Services is proud to announce our support of Apache Pipeline Products Make-A-Wish Foundation campaign. We will donate a portion of all pigPRO™ proceeds collected through January 1st, 2019 to their campaign. Apache has generously agreed to match our donation, dollar-for-dollar.
Your pigPro purchase will make a wish come true for a child diagnosed with a critical illness.
“Apache is a long-time friend of Inline and a supporter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The Make-A-Wish Foundation is an extraordinary organization that changes the lives of critically ill children and their families. Apache has done an incredible job of campaigning for Make-A-Wish, and we want to support them in their endeavor.” commented Inline President, Gary Smith.
Click here to learn more about the Apache pigPRO.
Apache Pipeline Products is the manufacturer of the pigPRO pig passage indicator. Inline Services is the exclusive U.S. distributor of the Apache pigPRO. Click here to learn more about Apache’s Make-A-Wish fundraising events.
Inline Services manufactures a wide-variety of pipeline cleaning pigs including urethane, foam, mandrel and custom built cleaning pigs. We also offer pipeline cleaning and maintenance services including equipment design, planning and budgeting, pipeline cleanliness assessment, intelligent cleaning and operational support.
pigPRO™ is a trademark of Apache Pipeline Products and protected by U.S. patent 5263220
For more information about the Make-A-Wish foundation, visit www.wish.org.